The Joshua Collingsworth Memorial Foundation’s main goal is to remove accidental drowning from its perch as the number one cause of death of children 1 to 4 years of age. Donations to Joshua’s foundation will be used to educate children and their parents about water safety and the need for heightened awareness of it. This will be accomplished through the distribution of educational books and other materials. All donations will help to benefit the health and well being of children not only in Nebraska but around the world. Your joining us in this battle is sincerely appreciated.
Donations may be mailed to:
Joshua Collingsworth Memorial Foundation
8445 Executive Woods Dr
Lincoln, NE 68512
Or In Care Of
City Bank & Trust
2929 Pinelake Rd
Lincoln, NE 68506
(402) 420-2002
An Angel in Heaven and Here on Earth!
The Joshua Collingsworth Memorial Foundation was formed on July 23, 2008, as a Nebraska nonprofit corporation and an exempt IRS § 501(c)(3) organization. All or part of your donations may be deductible for tax purposes—please consult your tax advisor.
Thank you.